Palm Beach Television APP promo
The above motion graphic was created to promote an APP for the Palm Beach television for on-air and social media promotions.
Software used: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Element 3D
OlyHub presentation
The above motion graphics was to present and demonstrate the features of a new website and service of OlyHub which is an auction based service for TV/Film content.
Software used: Illustrator, After Effects
Toku Social Media Promo and Presentation
This motion graphic was to promote the Facebook page of Toku
and the growing number of subscribers.
This motion graphic was created for a presentation to show the
percentages of content for the Toku network.
Software used: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects
Socialism Info-graphics
The above info-graphics were created for a political promo/presentation, where the client wanted to example the subject matter with symbols and text.
Software used: Illustrator, After Effects